
Showing posts with the label Self Management

How can you take criticism graciously?

Certainly, it’s natural to be defensive or annoyed when you get criticised. It’s a fact, none of us likes criticism and it always hurts. We all have some limitations and aware of them but we find it difficult to accept them. Furthermore, some people being extremely critical, constantly points out your limitations and weaknesses. Such people are actually projecting their own insecurities or maybe they are too afraid to make decisions. But, you have a choice to handle criticism without feeling discouraged or embarrassed and not letting their negative mindset affects you. Since criticism has to deal with subject matter so the person may be an expert and can offer some valuable advice. In such case you definitely want their opinion for your benefit. However sometimes criticism is not justified, so it is imperative to filter out the part of criticism and determine whether the opinion of that person matters to you or not. If you find yourself in such uncertain position, listen respectfu...

Understanding the attributes of cultural competence

Every day you interact with people on a personal as well as professional level. There have been many occasions where you find people from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences.   As a part of your interaction, you see, interpret and evaluate things to analyse the cultural differences. You actively seek to differentiate these social changes among various cultural groups. However, culture is a shared tradition, that is based on what you are and how you express yourselves as part of a group or as individuals. Its’ rules are transmitted from generation to generation and often adapted to the local surroundings. To understand the cultural differences of people with diverse backgrounds, values, behaviour, and traditions, cultural competence is required . Cultural competence is not practiced by merely showing respect to everyone. It is a skill that requires continuous observation, being more empathetic and compassionate towards each other. Though it is impossible to be an expert i...