How can you take criticism graciously?
Certainly, it’s natural to be defensive or annoyed when you get criticised. It’s a fact, none of us likes criticism and it always hurts. We all have some limitations and aware of them but we find it difficult to accept them. Furthermore, some people being extremely critical, constantly points out your limitations and weaknesses. Such people are actually projecting their own insecurities or maybe they are too afraid to make decisions. But, you have a choice to handle criticism without feeling discouraged or embarrassed and not letting their negative mindset affects you. Since criticism has to deal with subject matter so the person may be an expert and can offer some valuable advice. In such case you definitely want their opinion for your benefit. However sometimes criticism is not justified, so it is imperative to filter out the part of criticism and determine whether the opinion of that person matters to you or not.
If you find yourself in such uncertain position, listen respectfully and carefully. When some is telling you something negative, then resist your temptation to fight back as it doesn’t help the situation. Instead, you should try to get some positivity out of it. Without losing your temper you can respond to criticism more objectively and with confidence. So seeing it as an opportunity to learn helps you to increase insight and perspective by shedding light in areas of improvement. Moreover, it creates a bond among your peers who invest their time in providing feedback (whether positive or negative), and wants you to succeed. You always have the option to view criticism from your own perspective whether it’s worthy or not. While using it as a useful tool, you can actually weigh yourself and enhance your performance area that needs improvement.
Make sure you understand other point of view before you make your own assumptions or judgements. To fully understand the other person, who is criticising you, you can politely ask for more clarifications. When you ask questions, it will show that you are engaged in discussion and taking them seriously. However it doesn’t mean, you have to accept and absorb everything the other person is telling you. All you need to do is to maintain focus by actively listen their concerns and know if the criticisms are genuine. So just wait for your chance to respond by pointing out the positive. It also helps you to realise the valuable opportunity you have, to learn from negative conclusions. In such way, you can see the truth and will learn your weaknesses.
Taking criticism graciously can be challenging but it will give you new perspective to improve the way forward. Once you see criticism positively and respond it with a positive attitude, you become a better person. Instead of feeling like a victim, it’s important to look at the situation as a whole and consider doing the things differently for the better. Even though it’s very hard to receive criticism, yet necessary to view it and use it in a positive way to your advantage, and rectify the situation considering it as a gift. Remember the best way to deal with criticism graciously and make best use of someone’s good advice is to take it as an opportunity to improve.
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