Understanding the attributes of cultural competence
Every day you interact with people on a personal as well as professional level. There have been many occasions where you find people from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. As a part of your interaction, you see, interpret and evaluate things to analyse the cultural differences. You actively seek to differentiate these social changes among various cultural groups. However, culture is a shared tradition, that is based on what you are and how you express yourselves as part of a group or as individuals. Its’ rules are transmitted from generation to generation and often adapted to the local surroundings. To understand the cultural differences of people with diverse backgrounds, values, behaviour, and traditions, cultural competence is required. Cultural competence is not practiced by merely showing respect to everyone. It is a skill that requires continuous observation, being more empathetic and compassionate towards each other. Though it is impossible to be an expert in every culture but willing to acknowledge the differences will increase cultural competence. To be more specific, you may assume some attributes which are associated with cultural competence:
Awareness and Knowledge of cultural resemblances and variations; become more aware of your cultural values, beliefs, and practices as a first step. Thereafter develop consciousness of different values, beliefs, norms, customs, and traditions of other cultural groups. As a starting point, it is helpful for you to understand the historical background and different cultural customs, views, and practices.
Ability to communicate in a culturally sensitive manner; focus on effective communication which includes both verbal and nonverbal language. Make use of more appropriate words or interpreters to achieve mutual understanding.
Openness and accepting diverse cultural groups; instead of being judgmental, try to be considerate towards those of differing cultures. Be respectful, accept and have an unbiased viewpoint while recognising the values of various traditional practices.
Adaptability and flexibility to different circumstances and situations; willingness to adapt distinctive cultural style can facilitate understanding between different cultural groups. Like participating in cultural traditions or community activities, indicates your respect for cultural beliefs. You feel more emotionally connected and gain invaluable insight into culturally diverse communities.
Behaviour and attitude to appreciate different values, norms, and beliefs; whether your interaction is direct or indirect, get opportunities to learn and refine your beliefs from a different cultural perspective. Additionally, its’ important to know the underlying logic and set of values, that cause differences in actions and behaviours. Also, provide unconditional positive regard, and be aware of any disparities and discrimination affecting a particular group.
Hence, to become culturally competent requires a perspective shift while keeping your own beliefs and values. However, shifting your thoughts and actions with acceptance of different cultural views is the most difficult part. But once you make an effort and dedicate your time, you can easily recognise the differences and similarities between different cultural views. Becoming culturally competent does not occur from basic knowledge of a culture, but from a deeper level of understanding that allows one to put cultural knowledge into practice. Furthermore, using both knowledge and understanding of culture allows you to communicate more respectfully and engage with empathy. It is necessary to pay attention to welcome collaboration and cooperation rather than being threatened by another cultures’ perspective. However, your perception shapes your reaction and how you organise your world, which is enriched by cultural differences. Therefore demonstrating your appreciation, trust, and respect for different cultures must be intentional with acceptance of cultural relativism.
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