
Know your emotions and emotional intelligence

    From self-confidence, empathy to self-control; understanding and managing your own emotions can speedup success in all areas of your life. Your emotional consciousness facilitates a deeper understanding of who you are, enabling you to easily get along with others. As with many aspects of life, your emotions affect your performance and influence your decisions. You might have noticed some people often feel misunderstood, gets upset easily, become overwhelmed by the emotions and have problems being assertive. Whereas some remains calm and composed even during stressful situations, and also handle difficult people tactfully and diplomatically. That’s where emotional intelligence comes in, to drive your emotions in the right direction. Emotional Intelligence is about how well you identify and manage your own emotions and how you react to the emotions of others. It helps you to make better informed decisions about what matters most to you. In fact, you can also easily i...

Self-management – how to make it effective and possible

  Focusing on self-management presents you with lots of opportunities and helps you to productively manage your approach towards your life.  When you talk about self-management you are actually talking about managing your own active beliefs, your emotions, and your feelings. For better decisions you are obliged to feel good about yourself, trust your capabilities and experience, because these influence everything.  For instance just giving a thought of it, you will notice, lot of things will start occupying your mind such as reading books, joining a course, taking online classes etc. and at last you feel overloaded. The key to self-management is not a tool or technique which requires traditional lectures or programmes r ather it requires you to take up your own responsibility and approach in the very best way. Self-management is a core personnel skill which will help you in all aspects of your life and an effective self-management will give you more good time and control...